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Alyse Parise’s Blog for Women in Midlife and Beyond
One critical thing to know about gratitude.
I’m sure that many of you know about the daily Gratitude exercise to state 3 things out loud for which you are grateful. It’s a great way to start each day. Especially if it’s one of those mornings where you just don’t feel great. The American holiday of Thanksgiving...
Tips for lighting your workspace
Have you ever found yourself fumbling round in the dark trying to find a particular item? Where's the lighting? All you needed was light. We take it for granted. If the sun is not yet up, or a window is not in sight, we flip on a light switch. Viola, we can now see....
Want to sleep soundly?
Here are some interesting facts about sleep .... 36% of us drive drowsy or fall asleep while driving. Lack of sleep is likely to result in having a larger appetite during the day. Some of us NEED to nap during the day. It seems that we humans are the only species that...
Do you regularly have fun?
I have just returned from a really fun vacation, white water rafting down the lower Salmon and Snake River in Idaho. It’s exhilarating blasting through the rapids, jumping off fifty foot cliffs and cooling off by floating in the water. Why do so many of us wait until...
Do wealthy people feel entitled?
In your heart of hearts, do you agree that wealth people feel entitled? Take a minute or so and reflect on why you agree or disagree. How may your answer inhibit you from being wealthy? We want to believe our stories that show wealthy people are dismissive of others...
Dump toxic people – Is it that simple?
Many experts will suggest that you dump toxic people in your life. I don’t think it’s as simple as that! Here’s why. There are levels of toxicity. Think of a continuum: from highly abusive to consistently annoying and many negative levels in between. It’s easy to...
Design your life around What’s Important!
How often do you find yourself putting off what’s important? In writing this article, I would have liked to watch a few episodes of “Master of None” with my husband on the plane ride from San Francisco back to NY. Instead, after a few um's and ah's, I chose writing as...
Stressed out before you leave home?
How can you organize your mornings so you are less stressed out and it's NOT a mad scramble to leave your house? I have always been a morning exerciser, since I was 12 years old. As my schedule changed over the years, I have learned to adjust my timing so I could get...
What does Memorial Day mean to you?
Most cultures have some type of holiday that honors those who have died while serving in their country's armed forces. The last Monday in May is Memorial Day, here in America. What does Memorial Day mean to you? Since the time of the American Civil Wars in...
What is your relationship with money?
For most people, directly discussing financial matters and having a conversation about money is awkward. It doesn’t seem to matter whether business people and professionals have heaps of expertise and experience or are newbies on the job. What is your relationship...
Happy Mother’s Day whether you’re a mother or not!
Happy Mother’s Day : mother or not! Happy Mother’s Day to all the living moms and step-moms. May your children honor you by granting your special wishes for the day that you truly desire. Let go of pleasing others, your children, spouses etc. Others are here to...
Our Relationship to Perfection
The search for perfection will keep you stuck in the mousetrap. It’s a never-ending search for the best way, the right solution, as if there’s an ultimate perfect answer. If you would like a surefire way to feel shame, then keep aiming for perfection. For 99.9% of us,...
How to deal with shifting priorities!
What do you do when your to do list is getting longer and many of the items seem like top priority? And then to top it off, your organization or customer changes the deadline? If only things could get done as quickly as sending out a 140 character tweet. The...
How to get comfortable talking about money!
How comfortable are you talking about money? Some of us are comfortable talking about money and many of us are not. Money represents the value or currency we ascribe for a transaction of goods or services. Money is a universal currency, whether it be euro’s,...
What does freedom mean to you?
This is the week of Easter and Passover which coincide most years. For many Jews all round the world, we celebrate the first night of Passover, partaking in the Seder. The evening is filled with ritual, ceremony, a delicious meal (well that depends on who’s cooking)...