During the past 18-months, there are so many ways that each of us have experienced a sense of destabilizing uncertainty. Discombobulated and wondering what can I do.

Discombobulated is such a great word! Except if English isn’t your first language, you probably have no idea what I mean.

There’s an English expression (which may be Australian) “all hands and feet.” There’s no mention of a body. And when we’re un-embodied, we are out of sorts.

No body, all hands and feet: conjures up images of being out of control, off kilter or clumsy.⁠ ⁠

Do you ever feel discombobulated - all hands and feet?

Gangly teenagers unaware of where their body begins and ends.⁠

Teetering on toes upon waking

Shaking with tiredness

Exhausted after loads of physical exertion⁠

Overwhelmed and burning out⁠

Sitting too long at your desk

Flailing around not knowing what to do next

Losing one’s internal compass⁠.

What takes you away from feeling grounded and productive? ⁠


What helps you to stay grounded and productive?

Besides …. meditation, journaling, writing, painting, drawing, walking, setting a timer, breathing consciously, shutting the office door.

I’d love to hear.


P.S. Would you like a powerful way to stay grounded, productive and INSPIRED? Then keep your eyes open for emails about a fabulous in person and virtual weekend experience – July 24 and 25, 2021. Designed for women in mid-life and beyond.

Discover the power of your muse: and claim your creative spark.

You’ll learn a 13-step process to create a painting AND you don’t have to be an artist. Through painting, writing and movement you’ll access your inner wisdom, healing and joy. 

Intrigued – reach out to me and let’s chat