How comfortable are you talking about money?
Some of us are comfortable talking about money and many of us are not. Money represents the value or currency we ascribe for a transaction of goods or services. Money is a universal currency, whether it be euro’s, dollars or renminbi. For most of us, we no longer use sheep or chattels as payment.
Yet, money get’s a bad wrap.
How many of the following resonate?
a. I don’t like to discuss my own financial matters.
b. I have a hard time raising my prices, even when my accountant, spouse, and dog have said it’s in my best interests.
c. Many of my arguments with my spouse involve money.
d. You find yourself saying, “Money isn’t that important” and at the same time you don’t really believe what you’re saying.
Did you find yourself saying yes to many of the above?
When people say, money is energy, I think that’s a new age cop out. How is money energy? How is there an energetic exchange and what does that even mean?
A physical transaction involves cash, check or credit card. Yet more and more, monetary transfers are electronic where we don’t see money or even know that the transfer has been made until after the fact.
Money triggers all sorts of feelings
Money does trigger all sorts of feelings and beliefs that began in our childhood. I guess we could infer that some sort of energetic response occurs, though that may be a stretch. If your parents freely discussed money, and helped you understand what specific monetary amounts could buy, you are fortunate! For most us, money was so often discussed behind closed doors, was the center of huge arguments, was given away freely without expectation of what things cost, or money was withheld.
If you would like to make sense of relationship with money today, and be more discerning, less withholding or more generous, then take some time to discover the meaning that underlies your own money story.
P.S. A great resource for transferring funds quickly and with no fees, is Venmo, which is owned by Paypal. Check it out. I love it!